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A Wedding at Mulberry Lane Page 30
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Page 30
Gordon moved in his sleep and she snuggled up to his warm body, breathing in the fresh clean smell of him. Her past hurt and disappointment was forgotten. This was all that mattered now, the togetherness and the sharing that came with marriage and loving. Maureen felt passionate love for her new husband, just as she felt motherly love for Shirley. Gordon was the man she’d looked for all her life, never dreaming that he was right there under her nose all along.
She felt like giggling as she nibbled at his earlobe and sensed him respond, his waking smile filling her with a surge of sweet desire and the knowledge that she was both loved and wanted. Something she had never really known before.
In the morning when they finally woke, Gordon made love to her again, and it was just as nice, just as satisfying. Afterwards, they took a warm bath together, enjoying the experience of being intimate in a way that made them laugh as they touched and stroked, splashing water on the marble tiles and ending up by making love rather uncomfortably in the bath.
Much later, when they’d had coffee and hot muffins in their room, they went out. It was fun walking round the shops, looking at the luxury goods, which were still available in the more exclusive shops. Perhaps because they were so very expensive they didn’t rush out of the shops as everything else did.
It was still possible to buy clothes if you had enough coupons, but very few shops had anything but the plain utilitarian dresses with their short skimpy skirts that were necessary these days. They lingered outside a shop selling good quality second-hand clothes, where some rather elegant good quality silk dresses were on show. Gordon wanted to buy her something, if there was anything she wanted, but Maureen shook her head.
‘There’s no point until I’ve had the baby. I wouldn’t be able to wear it for long,’ she said. ‘I think I’ll manage with what I have for now and buy something pretty for next summer – perhaps you’ll be back on leave again…’
Gordon touched her cheek. ‘Don’t look so wistful, my love. I know we shan’t have long together, but I was lucky to get this much leave. Some of the chaps haven’t had leave for over a year.’
‘Yes, I know,’ she said and squeezed his hand. ‘Everyone is in the same boat. This is enough, Gordon. I’m just greedy to want more.’
He laughed and bent down to kiss her there in the street, making a passing sailor whistle loudly. ‘Maybe it will be over by next summer, love. I can’t see why they have to keep fightin’. Hitler says he wants to make peace but no one believes him.’
‘After what he did in Poland and France?’ Maureen shook her head. ‘We can’t let him win, Gordon. This is a wretched war. All the men that have died, the people here who were killed in the Blitz, those brave airmen – and the sailors lost at sea – they can’t have died for nothin’. We have to go on until he’s beaten.’
‘Yes.’ Gordon touched her cheek. ‘I know it, my love, but I can’t help wantin’ it to be over. We all feel the same – every man I’ve met just wants to kill Hitler and get it over.’
‘It’s a pity no one thought of that at the start. If someone had just shot him then none of this need ever have happened.’
Gordon laughed. ‘Unfortunately, things are never that simple, Maureen. Germany was simmering with resentment after the last time and they intended to show the rest of us that they were not a beaten nation.’
‘Oh well, we shan’t change it,’ Maureen said and glanced at a newspaper stand, which proclaimed a jubilant Hitler was close to Moscow. She gave a little shiver and resolutely turned her head, summoning a bright smile. This was her honeymoon and she refused to waste it worrying about the war. ‘Gosh, I’m hungry. Shall we go back to the hotel for lunch?’
‘Yes, I think so,’ he said and slipped his arm about her still slim waist. ‘What do you want to do this evenin’ – shall we go dancin’ or see if we can get into a show?’
‘Let’s go dancin’,’ Maureen said. ‘I haven’t danced for ages…’
‘When you get back in the mornin’, I’ll be gone,’ Gordon said as Maureen came downstairs in her nursing uniform. ‘I thought three weeks was a lifetime when I was given leave, but it’s gone too quickly.’
‘Yes, I know,’ Maureen said and lingered. She was on the late shift at the hospital, and in the kitchen Gran had got the ITMA show on the radio and was chuckling at something Tommy Handley was saying. The warmth and happiness of the last few days had been so wonderful and she was reluctant to leave, knowing that when she returned Gordon wouldn’t be waiting for her. Their time together had been so brief, even though he’d been given a generous leave. For a moment, desperation almost overcame her and she said impulsively: ‘Should I ring in sick so that we can have one more night together, Gordon?’
He shook his head, moving closer to draw her against him, before bending his head to kiss her softly on the mouth. ‘It still wouldn’t be enough. I don’t want to go, love, but I have to – and you have to work until you choose to tell them you’re married and havin’ a child…’
‘Yes, that’s not goin’ to be easy,’ Maureen admitted wryly. ‘They won’t be pleased, but it’s up to them. I’ll go on workin’ until it gets uncomfortable, but they won’t let me once they know.’
‘You don’t need to work. I’ve arranged for most of my pay to come to you, Maureen. Why don’t you tell them you’re married and let them decide whether you work a bit longer or not?’
‘Perhaps I shall,’ she said and then put her arms about him, clinging in sudden desperate need. ‘Oh, Gordon, I do love you. Take care of yourself, my darling. I want you to come home to me…’
‘I will,’ he said and kissed her hard, as if giving her his strength. ‘I promise I’ll come back – and when I do we’ll have a proper honeymoon…’
‘No, we’ll have a family holiday at the sea,’ she said and stood back. This was just making it harder for both of them. She made herself smile, catching back a sob that rose in her throat. She wouldn’t cry and give Gordon sad memories to take with him. ‘I’d better go or I shall be late. Make sure to put Shirley to bed and read her a story tonight. It will have to last her a long time…’
‘Yes, I know, but she told me she understands. Her friends all have daddies workin’ in the Army. She’s being very brave about it and she knows she has to look after you and the baby for me.’
Maureen felt the tears sting her eyes. Gordon always spoke of the child as their baby, and he’d told Shirley she was going to have a little brother or sister. Maureen felt her heart swell. She really did love him. She just wished they’d had months and months to spend together instead of a few short weeks.
‘I have to go…’ She smiled at him through the tears, forcing herself to put on her coat and leave the house. This was tearing her apart, because she’d had a taste of happiness and now the shadow of doubt would hang over her, broken only by his letters home. Maureen, like so many other women, would have to wait and pray – pray that her man would come home again.
It was easier when she’d closed the door and left him there, as they’d agreed. To prolong their parting to the last moment before she went into the hospital was too upsetting. Both of them had known sorrow and grief, but now they had another chance to find happiness. All they could do was to pray that nothing would happen to snatch it away.
We hope you enjoyed this book!
Rosie Clarke’s next book is coming in March 2018.
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About Rosie Clarke
ROSIE CLARKE is happily married and lives in a quiet village in East Angl
ia. Writing books is a passion for Rosie, she also likes to read, watch good films and enjoys holidays in the sunshine. She loves shoes and adores animals, especially squirrels and dogs.
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A Letter from the Author
Dear Reader,
I just want to say thank you to all those lovely people who buy and read my books. Writing them is a great pleasure and I always feel it a privilege that they are actually published. I like to know what my readers think of the books, which ones they like best and why. A review is always welcome, as is a tweet because it makes other readers aware that the books gave you pleasure. If you can either leave a review or tweet about the books that would be wonderful.
I reply whenever I can, both from the website and on Twitter, so please do feel free to follow and message me on there following the buttons below.
I do hope you enjoyed the book you have just read and that there were no silly typos to annoy you. My editors and I do all we can to eliminate them but somehow they occasionally get through; if they did, my apologies. Please forgive me and enjoy the stories which are meant to please and entertain you.
My heartfelt thanks for being a reader!
Rosie Clarke
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Addictive Fiction
First published in the United Kingdom in 2017 by Aria, an imprint of Head of Zeus Ltd
Copyright © Rosie Clarke, 2017
The moral right of Rosie Clarke to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.
This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN (E) 9781786692474
c/o Head of Zeus
First Floor East
5–8 Hardwick Street
London EC1R 4RG
Table of Contents
Welcome Page
About A Wedding at Mulberry Lane
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
About Rosie Clarke
A Letter from the Author
About the Mulberry Lane Series
About the Workshop Girls Series
Also by Rosie Clarke
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